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A member registered Apr 22, 2019

Recent community posts

Absolutely loved playing this game. It's short but that doesn't make it any less enjoyable. All 3 of the LIs are super sweet and I thoroughly enjoyed playing through each of their routes!! I adored Yuto's cute reactions and Rye is just... everything.,...

Got it working! I think Braum's is my favourite. He is just so shy. <3

That might be why! Thank you!

I absolutely love this game and I just started playing! I do have one question though: I finished one version of Paris and Rafael but I seem to be unable to choose Braums, how do you access his route?

One of the best demos I have played in a long time. I love that you can customise the main characters features as well as pronouns. And the fact that you get to choose your interest and how you approach Cove is a nice touch. Honestly I cannot wait for this game to be released in full.